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minute book (會議)記錄簿,記事簿。

minute glass

At any meeting a declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has been carried , or carried by a particular majority , or lost , or not carried by a particular majority and an entry to that effect in the minute book of the council shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number of proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution 第三十一條:在任何會議中,主席對某項議案已獲通過或被否決之宣布及本會對此議案之紀錄,將是最有力之證明,而無須證出反對或贊同此項決議的人數或比例。

I hereby further certify that the details of the resolution have been entered into the minutes book of the company and signed herein by the chairman of the meeting and are in accordance with the company ' s memorandum and articles of association or equivalent constitutional documents 本人進一步證明以上各項決議詳情已紀錄于本公司之會議紀錄簿內,并由會議主席簽署,且符合本公司之組織章程或具相同效力之公司組織文件之規定。

Hereby further certify that the details of the resolution have been entered into the minutes book of the company and signed herein by the chairman of the meeting and are in accordance with the company ' s memorandum and articles of association or equivalent constitutional documents 本人進一步證明以上各項決議詳情已紀錄于本公司之會議紀錄簿內,并由會議主席簽署,且符合本公司之組織章程或具相同效力之公司組織文件之規定。

Minutes of meetings of the board of directors shall be recorded forthwith by the secretary in the minute book , and shall be signed by the president , and shall contain the following particulars 秘書即席將會議之各項議案記入會議記錄內,由主席簽署之。該議案記錄須說明下列各項

Minutes of the meetings shall be entered in the minute book and signed by the president and secretary before the dissolution or adjournment of the meeting , and shall contain 大會之議案議案須記載于會議記錄冊內,并由大會主持人及秘書簽證之。議案記錄應記載下列事項:

Yes . i ' ve put the minute book and some spare copies of the agenda on the conference table 是的,我已經把記錄本和一些備用的日程表放在桌上了。

I ' ve put the minute book and some spare copies of the agenda on the table 我已經把記錄本和一些備用的議程表放在會議桌上了。

Let ' s take a look at the minute book for last friday 讓我們看一下上星期五的會議記錄。

Do you put it in the minute book as an exhibit ? 你把它放在會議記錄本里作為一個法律依據嗎?

Put it in the minute book as an exhibit . 把它放在會議記錄本里作為一個法律依據。